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Going By The Book

Going By The Book: Past and Present Tragedies of Biblical Authority

image of bookcover Going By The Book

Are biblical writings the unquestionable divine word of God, to be followed as the ultimate authority?

Many Christians still cling to this belief, while most biblical scholars today would question such an assumption. In Going by the Book, Ernie Bringas asserts that Christians and non-Christians alike are “victims of a knowledge gap which places them at a level of religious understanding much more appropriate to the seventeenth century.”  In other fields, scholarship and new discoveries gradually modify and expand old beliefs. Yet sacred scripture continues to be an unquestioned source of truth.

Bringas claims that the concept of divine revelation is the Trojan Horse of Christianity. If this concept creates within its followers a mind-set that not only is misguided but also drives them to abhorrent behavior, then it can be regarded (at least in part) as a detriment to humankind—a retrogressive influence on us all.

The basic thesis of this work proposes that Christianity, like many other religions, suffers from an exaggerated claim for the possession of ultimate truth. The assumption of possessing sacred knowledge is woven into the fabric of Christian belief and, for that matter, all belief systems that claim special knowledge.  Herein is a self-imposed notion that, if not neutralized, will eventually destroy the credibility and essence of Christianity.  Bringas states: “Unless we recognize the enormous fallacies and self-destructive inconsistencies with which we approach the Bible, we will discard it altogether or remain at a level of understanding that will alienate more enlightened individuals.


Bringas lucidly points out the dangers of believing every word in the Bible is true. Page after page describes the cost of such a practice. He also shows how Historical Criticism opens a more positive way to read and use the Bible.” – John F. Wells (Amazon review) 


  • Purchase at Amazon.
  • Published by Hampton Roads Publishing, 1996.
  • Paperback: 224 pages.